Greater generosity = greater impact
We need 100% participation to strategically expand. To create more space for our friends and neighbors to come and meet Jesus. To nurture a legacy and change a city. Our sincere hope is that this church has changed the course of your life for eternity. And we simply want to invite more people to come do likewise—to join you as you follow Jesus.
If you didn’t submit a hard copy pledge card to the church already, please take a moment to fill out our digital pledge card, which can be found either below or by clicking here.
If you didn’t submit a hard copy pledge card to the church already, please take a moment to fill out our digital pledge card, which can be found either below or by clicking here.
To maintain our ongoing ministry in the community and fund the maximization of our reach over the next two years we need . . .
$2.45 Million - Operating Costs
+ $450 Thousand - Missions
$1.6 Million - Building Fund
$4,500,000 - Total Given
+ $450 Thousand - Missions
$1.6 Million - Building Fund
$4,500,000 - Total Given
We are asking everyone at New Life Community Church to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial investment into the mission by taking a step up in your generosity over the next two years.

These stages focus on behaviors and attitudes of our hearts—our discipleship—rather than on amounts or percentages. Each step represents growth in a lifestyle of generosity and sacrifice that transforms us into the
likeness of Christ who gave up everything.
These stages focus on behaviors and attitudes of our hearts—our discipleship—rather than on amounts or percentages. Each step represents growth in a lifestyle of generosity and sacrifice that transforms us into the
likeness of Christ who gave up everything.
An Initial Giver is someone who decides to give for the first time, out of a response to God’s Word about giving. This is someone who decides to give something and trust God and the leaders of the Church with this gift. - CONSISTENT GIVER
A Consistent Giver is someone who commits to give something on a regular basis. Consistent Givers start to think of their giving in the same way they think about other budget expenses that are always paid, regardless of seasons of plenty or want. They often set up an online recurring gift to help. - INTENTIONAL GIVER
Intentional Givers think about giving in relation to other things they spend their money on: “Why do I give the cable company or my cell provider more money than I give to God?” They consider a percentage or amount they want to commit to in order to consciously grow in their generosity. Intentional Givers look at their budget and consider how their giving reflects their view of God and commitment to His Kingdom. This may also be the point when someone begins to tithe, which is being intentional about a certain amount or percentage that they want to give to God. - SURRENDERED GIVER
A Surrendered Giver is someone who recognizes the cost Christ paid on the cross for us and is surrendered to honoring God with 100% of their resources as a result. A Surrendered Giver gives in a way that changes them. Their giving governs their spending/saving rather than their spending/saving governing their giving. A Surrendered Giver isn’t concerned with what they ARE giving but more concerned with what they’re NOT giving and why. They seek to honor God with 100% of what He has given them, whether direct monetary giving or a God-honoring use of an existing resource like a home or a vehicle. - LIFETIME GIVER
A Lifetime Giver is someone who thinks about the long-term effects of generosity rather than month-to-month, or even year-to-year, generosity. A Lifetime Giver makes decisions in the short-term that have longer-term effects as it relates to their generosity capacity. They think of what home they buy, what car they purchase, and how much savings they choose to keep all in relation to their generosity capacity. A Lifetime Giver might be someone who has a lifetime giving goal that governs their larger-ticket decisions. Much like a Surrendered Giver makes a commitment that will govern his/her monthly and annual decisions, a Lifetime Giver makes a lifetime or longer-term giving commitment that governs his/her larger-item purchases like homes, cars, investments, and the like.