Helping kids meet Jesus
Ages: Birth - 6th Grade
Here at New Life we take the education and safety of the youngest members of our church family very seriously. We are proud to provide safe, clean, loving environments for all of our kids. Our classes are staffed by an excellent team of volunteer teachers that have gone through an interview process, thorough criminal background check and receive continuous training to ensure we are providing your child with the best care possible. Kidz World's goal is to help every child build strong relationships and become more like Jesus.
Why we do what we do
KidzWorld operates with four core values that help us in the evaluation of all our programs and strategies. Everything we do in our weekend services is designed to achieve these four objectives.
Be a place of safety
Not just in terms of physical safety (which is a high priority) but also spiritual and emotional safety. Any time a child walks through the doors of KidzWorld they need to feel as if they are entering a safe haven where they can experience a brief taste of the unconditional love their Heavenly Father has for them.
Be a place of discovery and growth
Children are sponges absorbing the world around them. We should aim to create environments that creatively reveal to them the story of a loving God that desperately wants to have a personal relationship with them. That is why we utilize videos, live drama, puppets, games, worship, small group discussion, object lessons and anything else that you can dream up to serve as tools to reach a child and help them mature in their faith. If kids are bored or disconnected they are not going to be listening, thinking or growing.
Support the parent-child relationship
Parents are the single largest influencer in a child’s life and the ones who are ultimately responsible to God for their upbringing. Since this is the case, we make every effort to make parents aware of the material being introduced to their children and equip them to continue on the discussion at home.
Be experiential
Children need to experience firsthand what it means to be loved unconditionally, to worship with all they have, and to serve others selflessly. It is one thing to give them the knowledge of an all-powerful, all-loving God worthy of our praise and an entirely different level to give them the opportunity to actually love, worship and serve him.
Opportunities to Connect
Sun. 8:45a & 10:45a
Care for Early Childhood age children available during the weekend services. Our K-4th grade services are offered during our two Sunday AM services.
Where Does My Child fit?
Infants (Birth – 18 months)
Our Infant Classroom is where our ministry to children begins at New Life. We want babies to be brought to Jesus’ lap the first time they are brought to one of our nurseries.
Toddlers (18 months – 3 years old)
Children in our Toddler Classroom start each week with a time of play before being exposed to worship songs, an animated Bible story, prayer, and a snack. Our main goal for every child in this class is to let them know that they are loved by a heavenly father and help them overcome the anxiety that many kids experience when separated from their parents.
Preschoolers (3 -5 years old)
Our Preschool class begins teaching the very basic concepts of God’s love. They will learn the great stories of the Bible, memorize scripture, learn to pray and participate in worship.
Our Infant Classroom is where our ministry to children begins at New Life. We want babies to be brought to Jesus’ lap the first time they are brought to one of our nurseries.
Toddlers (18 months – 3 years old)
Children in our Toddler Classroom start each week with a time of play before being exposed to worship songs, an animated Bible story, prayer, and a snack. Our main goal for every child in this class is to let them know that they are loved by a heavenly father and help them overcome the anxiety that many kids experience when separated from their parents.
Preschoolers (3 -5 years old)
Our Preschool class begins teaching the very basic concepts of God’s love. They will learn the great stories of the Bible, memorize scripture, learn to pray and participate in worship.

Elementary (K - 4th Grade)
A high energy kid’s service that teaches Biblical truth via age relevant, application oriented, curriculum. Each week, we focus on one main idea and one Bible verse that we explore through a variety of methods, such as videos, skits, crazy puppets, games, and small group discussion. We also enjoy awesome times of worship. All this is aimed at helping our kids to grow closer in their daily walk with God.
A high energy kid’s service that teaches Biblical truth via age relevant, application oriented, curriculum. Each week, we focus on one main idea and one Bible verse that we explore through a variety of methods, such as videos, skits, crazy puppets, games, and small group discussion. We also enjoy awesome times of worship. All this is aimed at helping our kids to grow closer in their daily walk with God.