Join us in the johnson county parade

Walking in the Johnson County Parade is a great opportunity to let Gardner see that New Life is active in the community and go public with your faith to friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Join us as part of the New Life family!


"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"

- John Evans

"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"

- Greg Smith

When is the parade?

Saturday August 5th, 2023
Parade begins at 10:00am

What time should we arrive?

You should arrive at the High School between 8:30-9:30 but as close to 9:00am as possible. If you are taking a shuttle from Wheatridge please consider that in your arrival time.

Where should we park?

You must park at Wheatridge Middle School or the District office (end of parade route). Shuttles will take you to the High School and the parade will end back at your vehicle.

What should I bring?

You should bring your "Gardner We Love You" Red Shirt, a water bottle, and some candy to throw.

What if I don't have a red shirt?

We will be bringing some red "Gardner We Love You" shirts with us and you can pick one up at our float.

Where can I find the New Life group?

This is a brand new location setup this year, but you can look for a group in red t-shirts and a band on a float.

What is the parade route?

The parade will begin at Gardner Edgerton High School. We will travel east on Madison and turn south on Gardner Rd passing the fairgrounds and aquadic center. The parade will then turn at Cornerstone Park and head east on Shawnee St. We will continue to Mulberry St and turn north ending in the parking lot of Wheatridge Middle School.

Donate Candy

You can bring candy to the church office during office hours or bring it with you to the parade.

You can never have enough candy to throw at a parade. If you can't be with us to walk on Saturday, you can still make a difference! Bring some candy to the church office and help equip us to love on the community. Candy donations should be candy that doesn't melt in the heat and is individually wrapped.