The One Marriage Conference 2023 "My Other Half" is a two-day experience that will help you and your other half grow closer together as one.

Main Sessions

Rick & Trudy George

We Go Together Like...
Peanut Butter and Jelly, Ketchup and Mustard, there are just things that are meant to go together. What does the word say about how our roles as men and women come together to make us whole? 

Joey Lang

The Marriage Metaphor 
Marriage is beneficial for our happiness and our health, but God gave us marriage to teach us a deeper truth. What is the connection between healthy marriages and our relationship with Jesus as the “bride of Christ”? 

David & Natalie Holland

The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Many times what was said and done passes through a soundtrack in our heads. We begin to tell ourselves a narrative that makes it hard to love and to be loved. How do we interrupt the narrative and change the stories that we tell ourselves? 

David Jones

Men's Panel
We took your questions and our panel of men will be talking about the real and the raw. 

Charrissa Motley

Women's Panel
We took your questions and our panel of men will be talking about the real and the raw.

(We apologize. We are having problems posting this file. Stay tuned.)

Breakout Sessions

Lucas & Charissa Motley

Keeping Score
From mom guilt to mowing the lawn, couples often find themselves trapped in keeping track of who is winning at being the better spouse or parent. How do we stop competing and start being on the same team?

(We apologize. We are having problems posting this file. Stay tuned.)

Bo & Kristian Gerken

Unified Parenting
Joining two people together that come from different households is not easy. It can cause us to have different thoughts on certain aspects of parenting. Discipline, priorities and what’s appropriate or what is not appropriate are things we all can differ on. How can we come together and create strong families?   

Joey & Melissa Lang 

What Do I Bring To The Whole ?
Each of us have our own unique gifts, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. How do we not resent each other for not both being good at the same things, but lean into what we each bring to the table? 

Kevin & DeAnn Wright

The Wright Kind of Marriage
There is no perfect marriage. Let's have an informal conversation about our 41 years of experience and lessons learned.  marriage 

David Jones

Common Goals 
If we don’t have a common destination we can start to drift apart or crash into each other.  Setting goals keeps couples united and moving together instead of constantly in friction. How can we come together and set goals that make sense for both partners? 

John & Beth Blackburn

Batten Down the Hatches; How to Stormproof Your Marriage to Face Today’s Turbulent Times 
By living in Kansas, you know what it means to "stormproof" your home in preparation of impending severe weather (think tornado).  But how much thought and effort have you put into "storm-proofing" your marriage so as to successfully face marital challenges.  In this session, you will hear Dr. John and Beth Blackburn share some tried and proven ways to "stormproof" your marriage from any threats of conflict and turbulence and instead, have a healthy and stable marital relationship.